
AdelaideOS is a small operating system kernel designed for teaching purposes. It was developed in 2008 for use in the operating systems course at Adelaide University.

AdelaideOS screenshot

The kernel is around 5,000 lines of code, and has the following features: The code is split into nine different versions, each of which builds on the previous one and adds one or more new features. The purpose of this arrangement is to demonstrate how one can start with a very simple kernel and add features piece by piece. It also permits the kernel to be used as a teaching aid, whereby each new version of the kernel can be covered in a week, and at the end of the semester students will have seen how to construct many of the essential components of a UNIX-like operating system. A series of accompanying lecture notes explain the full details of the kernel's operation, and can be used as a study guide by students while working through a course.

The breakdown of features introduced in each version are as follows:

The source code for AdelaideOS is in the public domain.


Build instructions are given in the kernel development guide.

The nine different versions are all generated from a common source. The original source files and scripts used to generate the different versions can be accessed from the project SVN repository.

For any questions about AdelaideOS, please contact Peter Kelly.

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